Random art, beauty and things that illuminate the drudgery of life...

Random art, beauty and things that illuminate the drudgery of life...


Japanese Cosmetics that Gladden the Heart

Japanese cosmetics and their adverts have brought me joy:

(that's a little blackhead waving goodbye in case you didn't know)

B&C Laboratories peach lip cream and Peach hand cream. I own the lip cream and it is the epitomy of 'glutonous cute' (I just invented that this second)

The same company also do both the lip cream and hand cream in an orange:

...and an apple version

I am currently trying to get my hands on the Polynia choclate face mask:

The entire advert for this is hilarious. But the best bit is this gingerbread man warning you not to eat the deliciously chocolate scented face mask.

For the lushes among us there is the Red Wine Jelly hydrating face mask

Why can't Western cosmetics be more fun?


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