Do they give you blisters?
Do you care?
I know Jelly's are supposed to be some sort of Fashion no-no (well I've seen a lot of hate spouted about them on various fashion blogs lately) but they look like candy and they're cheap (all designer incarnations excluded!).
Things that are cheap and look like candy generally tend to make people happy and is that so wrong I ask?
Seduced by their bright colours and memories of childhood summers I recently went on a binge:

All Jellies pictured are by JUJU and were purchased from the following lovely ebay sellers:
- 404huges
- hollyxwx
- honey_bee08
I am currently coveting the many wondrorius jelly shoes produced by Melissa. In particualr the Vivienne Westwood and Alexandre Herchovitch collaborations:
Surely these are beautious enough to make you renounce your jelly-hating ways?